Our clients’ feedback matters greatly to us, and these examples provide some insights to the value of our work
Investment Committees
We can chair Investment Committee meetings for our IFA clients. This is not mandatory but generally is the IFA’s preference.
Investment Reviews
Tailored, bespoke Investment Reviews presented in a logical and unique way are ideal for IFAs to present to their clients
Investment Process
EFSL constructs and maintains risk-adjusted CIPs on behalf of IFAs. Techniques have been employed successfully since 2009.
Investment Outlook
EFSL utilises extensive sources to keep abreast of economic, political and market developments and produces a monthly Investment Outlook which is well received by our clients.
Responsible Investment
Extensive knowledge of Responsible Investment, EFSL constructs and maintains risk-adjusted CIPs for this area.
Tax Planning
Experienced in the use of tax-efficient products such as EIS / VCT / BR.