Investment Committees

We can coordinate Investment Committee meetings for our IFA clients.  We also chair meetings, not mandatory but generally we find this to be the IFA’s preference.

We provide the agenda, and all supporting materials (tables / charts / fact sheets / proposals for adjustments etc.).

We identify and discuss market, economic and political developments which may impact on-going asset allocation and/or constituent funds.  EFSL produces a monthly Investment Outlook note which most IFA clients receive on a subscription basis, for onward distribution to their client base. 

We review market indices, risk-adjusted portfolios and investment fund performance statistics, and importantly put forward suggestions for asset allocation adjustments and fund changes, with rationale and supporting research, for consideration and debate by the Investment Committee.

We construct centralised investment propositions (CIP) covering the full risk spectrum, providing detailed matrices for administration purposes (or we can update the model portfolios on to platforms etc. on behalf of the IFA).

Finally, we process all actions stemming from the meeting, write the minutes and transfer all related files which are provided in a logical manner on to the IFA’s systems.

Compliance companies have reviewed, and approve highly of this process.  


Call us today on 07944 474 807 or email