EFSL provides bespoke Investment Reviews for IFAs to present to their clients. These are produced using the IFA’s logo and design, and have evolved over many years to reach the current format. Feedback from clients is excellent, and our experience shows that these reports have been instrumental in generating further business for IFAs through referrals etc. Compliance companies have also viewed these reports very positively.
Hard-copy, high-quality booklets are provided as well as PDFs (if required).
Reviews can be short or long dependent on service level, or size of investment, and will typically adopt the following structure (format is completely flexible).
- Front Page (using the IFA logo)
- Introduction
- Market Outlook
- Investment Summary
- Investment Plans (plan owner, constituents, value and fund performance statistics taken from the previous meeting i.e. bespoke to the client)
- Asset Allocation Table (Current and Proposed)
- Bullet points giving reasons to adopt a Positive or Defensive approach given current developments.
- Risk Analysis (Current and proposed situation)
- Rebalancing Recommendations
- Summary
For an Investment Review example please contact EFSL
Call us today on 07944 474 807 or email kenny@edmondfsl.co.uk